Holy Horrors

This is where I intend to rant and rave about religion. You will also find some choice videos from my favorite YouTubers. Welcome to The Holy Horrors Herald.

Monday, October 3, 2011


--I have had a fairly good discussion with the uploader of this video. I was a bit punchy when I started this conversation, but in my (all be it, pitiful) defense, I did not know it was the uploader I was talking to. I just figured I'd share.

If the gods were real they would have created...some of us.... smarter.
skywize 1 day ago

@skywize You were made smart enough to be able to perceive the world you live in was made by God Almighty and that he expects you to use the intelligence he gave you, to find him and discover his purposes for you.
MegaSage007 1 day ago

@MegaSage007 Actually, no. I was smart enough not to take ancient fairy tales seriously, and to study the religions of the world enough to draw the conclusion that they are all just stories. If you believe in it that much, than you should study the faiths that surround it. You would be surprised what you would find.
skywize 1 day ago

@skywize I teach by analysis all religions. You would be surprised what you would find. My theological library is linked beneath the video. Just go into the button labeled WATCH OUT FOR WOLVES.
MegaSage007 1 day ago

@MegaSage007 Christian evangelistics is not a theological library. That's the thing. I taught my self about every religion I could find, be it deistic, monotheistic or polytheistic. I was a Wiccan for about five years until I began putting the pieces together. Most of the modern religions are just offshoots of much older ones. Christianity was once polytheistic. Beautiful site by the way. It's simple, but very appealing to the eye, like mine, but mine never looked like that.
skywize 23 hours ago

@skywize Thankyou. But you have more to choose from than evangelism. There are three major menu's. Perhaps you missed them all.
MegaSage007 21 hours ago

@MegaSage007 I saw them. I did not read them all, or I'd still be here all week. The problem is, the whole thing is biased towards evangelism. What you say about Atheists (wolves like myself) is complete crap. Sorry, but you do not need a book to tell you about morality, and Atheists are not trying to attack your god... because we don't believe in him. Also, morality is the very reason I became an Atheist. I see what religion does, and I detest it. Faith seems sweet, but the reality is vile.
skywize 21 hours ago

@skywize said "Faith seems sweet, but the reality is vile." Actually faith is sweet because the gnawing doubts are not there when faith is perfected, but there is a process of obedience to the Word of God for the Light to grow in you up into the spiritual perfection that Christ is, and the Law representing the Moral Code you rejected arbitrarily contains up to 613 perfect laws depending on what applies to the government you live under to guide you to that perfection of the law Christ fulfilled.
MegaSage007 32 minutes ago

@MegaSage007 What I meant is that far too much misery comes from faith. Almost all the wars throughout history were based on faith, mostly Christians against the (Add name here). Faith is eating away at America's education. I have never heard of an Atheist beat up a man for being gay, or burning a child at the stake because she is a Witch. I know there are good Christians out there, and you may well be one of them, but it does not make up for the horrors that causes, and has done for 2000 years.
skywize 20 seconds ago

@skywize You seem to be motivated to find excuses from abuses of religion to dismiss God Almighty from your thoughts while neglecting to remember the horrors of Lenin, Pol POt, Mao and many other Atheists including Madaylyn O Hares trusted Atheist workers.
MegaSage007 7 minutes ago

@MegaSage007 No no. It's so simple to bring up the few, to make a case for the many. I know little about these people, but I don't doubt they were Atheist, so yes, Atheists have waged war as well. The numbers are still staggering against Faith. Just to let you know, calling something I don't believe in 'almighty God' is a tad redundant. I am motivated to find the causes for suffering and eradicate them. If this means faith in the gods, so be it.
skywize 7 seconds ago

@skywize you wrote: “I am motivated to find the causes for suffering and eradicate them. If this means faith in the gods, so be it”

I am sorry to have to tell you this, but this kind of thinking is the cause of suffering you ought to eradicate.

The reason I say this is you could just as easily replace “faith in the gods” with “Jews”, “blacks”, “atheistm”, "science", or “women”.

I hope this helps.

weseeinpart 14 hours ago

@weseeinpart It does not. How exactly can you easily replace those words? I'm not talking about broken hearts and dreams here, I mean suffering. Real suffering. Women don't cause wars (Helena was exceptional...) Science does not cause wars. Blacks don't cause any more wars than whites do. Exactly what did you mean by that?
skywize 13 hours ago

@skywize You wrote: “I am motivated to find the causes for suffering and eradicate them. If this means faith in the gods, so be it”

You reason that because some wars have involved religion, and wars cause suffering, then faith in the gods is a cause of suffering.

This is the same as declaring that because some black people are involved in crime, and crime causes suffering, then black people cause suffering.

Suffering doesn’t require war, as any violent crime victim could point out.

Peace :)
weseeinpart 5 hours ago

@skywize You say you are "motivated to find the causes for suffering and eradicate them." The God of the Bible created good and evil. Are you going to get rid of Almighty God? He has set good and evil before all humanity challenging us to choose to do righteously good in this evil world while providing His Word as a Lamp unto our feet and the holy Ghost to reveal truth to us along the way of our lives as we grow by experience in our trails and testings up into the Spirit of perfection in Christ
MegaSage007 12 hours ago

@skywize How quickly you forget the evidence you agree to. Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot...and others. Then return to your rants against the religious saying you "never heard of an Atheist beat up a man for being gay, or burning a child at the stake because she is a Witch" yet the list of murderous Atheist tyrants you agreed to having done atrocities beat up men for being gay, burned children at the stake and much much more. The point is: You have reached a stalemate. Mankind is evil as Jesus said we are
MegaSage007 12 hours ago

@skywize After studying your perception of the big picture it is clear you intend to blame the problems of the world on faith in God because we have A PERFECT MORAL CODE believers sometimes enforce indiscreetly. And what you are offering the world to cure it is a complete lack of a any moral code through Atheism which is exactly why I brought Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot & others to your attention but you dismissed them as just a few rotten apples even though they as Atheists each murdered millions.
MegaSage007 1 hour ago

@MegaSage007 You are a bloody old fool. I spoke of all suffering, and you bring up the same few people that everyone else does to blame Atheists for evil. It's bull and you know it, and it is childish. I don't blame god for anything as your god is a figment of your own imagination and is powerless. The power is in the hoards of mind controlled zealots willing to kill or die for a cause that never existed in the first place.
skywize 8 minutes ago

@MegaSage007 You are a bloody old fool. I spoke of all suffering, and you bring up the same few people that everyone else does to blame Atheists for evil. It's bull and you know it, and it is childish. I don't blame god for anything as your god is a figment of your own imagination and is powerless. The power is in the hoards of mind controlled zealots willing to kill or die for a cause that never existed in the first place.
skywize 8 minutes ago

@MegaSage007 You are being controlled, not by a god, but of the leaders of your cult. If you do not believe me, take a good look at what you have written here and on your website. Take a look at your words, and their groupings. You say "perfect moral code" over and over. You rarely say god, you say "almighty god". These are called triggers. Trigger words or phrases are meant to instill an emotion. Using them over and over is a type of hypnosis.
skywize 4 minutes ago

@MegaSage007 One last bit... The things that you think you know, may not. The things I have heard you say, and that of your website are repeated over and over against non Christians. Every time they are proved wrong, it gets ignored, and a new 'fact' get brought up. It's not a way to prove anything, just a way to search for a subject the opponent knows little about and strike at it. I believe this is called strawman, and it proves that you are not an actual believer. You are lying. Good day.
skywize 6 seconds ago

That's it. He began to piss me off, so I gave up.

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Which do you think is the most dangerous religion?

If you had to choose one and only one religion to survive, which would you allow?