Holy Horrors

This is where I intend to rant and rave about religion. You will also find some choice videos from my favorite YouTubers. Welcome to The Holy Horrors Herald.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gay Adoption

I have seen quite a bit of verbal crap thrown at gays, and their wish to adopt. Most people say that gays should not adopt because a child needs a mother and a father.... sorry, most religious nutjobs say that. They say that a gay coupple will damage the child, or not really love the child.

Where do foster children come from? Well, obviously, a foster child comes from a loving, wonderful strait couple that decides to give their child to someone who can't have one.... Bullshit. Most foster children are born from neglectful, careless, and sometimes drug addicted, and abusive degenerates. Not all of them, mind you, some come from rape victims who have been forced to give birth by uncaring family. Needless to say, most of the children in foster care have no biological parents worth their own lives, no less the lives of the children.

Alot of foster kids are the result of strait women who have a night of fun without protection. These people, like the rape victims, are told that they cannot abort the pregnancy because of some assholic belief that the growth inside them is a person. It's not. When it breaths fresh air, it's a person. When it needs to be hooked up to human, or a machine to survive, it's a parasite. A vegitable, replacing life extending machines with a human. So, it gets born into a family that does not want it, and in many cases, abused and neglected by someone who has no right to bear a child, or too young to do so.

Now this child is in foster care, or some other care facility hoping to get adopted by some nice couple. Most strait couples won't do it. Why should they, a male and a female can have their own, why would they help someone else's? Mind you, most of these children have been scared for life because of their biological parents, so adopting them is a real charity for someone who can have their own. I applaud these people, they are a gift to the world.

So strait couples are few and far between. This means that most of these kids will never be adopted, and spend their entire young lives in these facilities.

Now... A gay couple wants to adopt. Well, sorry, you can't, because "a child should have a mother and a father".... since the ones who created him were pillars of love.....

So, a strait couple won't adopt, and a gay couple won't be allowed to adopt because the people in charge are ignorant zealots. Who is left to adopt these kids? No one. Have fun in foster care, where many of the "parents" keep you around for the monthly check.

Religion should be abolished, and it practices should be illegal.

Dan Savage on Gay Adoption

From: dansavage November 18, 2009Dan Savage presents his viewpoint on the state of gay adoption in America today.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pushing Atheism

Some people have asked me, in not so pleasant words why I

"push" Atheism. Push... Now that word they do use. It makes it sound

like I'm dealing crack doesn't it? They like those buzz words don't

they? Actually, this is part of the answer. Words.

Many people think that I simply hate god. I love it when they

bring this one up...just love it....it just makes me want to hugg

them, and kiss them and stab them and...oops, off topic.... I do not

hate god. I don't hate god, and I don't hate trolls. Why? neither

exist. Like the boogie man, there is nothing to fear but fear itself,

and there is no one to hate when they don't fucking exist!!!!...oops,

off topic again! I do that, have you noticed?

Do I hate religion? Yes, christianity, and all those with a

singular deity most. I hate them because of, like I said, words. This

is something I noticed at a very early age, as I am sure many of you

reading this have. When having a conversation about, let us say,...

computers... People have a directness to their speech patterns.

Mostly, there are many truths, some lack of knowledge, and maybe a

small lie....usually pertaining to the lack of knowledge.

When people talk about money, there is a slightly different

aire to their speech patterns. Usually they are either confounded, and

add an overwhelming amount of truth, or they are slightly arogant, and

you can sense some lies. All these things are normal, and anyone can

notice them.

When people talk about whatever god they believe in, there is

a completely different feel to it. There is a synthetic peace that

follows them as they speak, a kind of drugged whispyness....I'm pretty

sure that is not a word, but go with it... I have heard my mother talk

about her god and there is a definite ignorance to the sound of her

voice, a childlike blindness to all things outside of the fantasy

world she is currently staying in.

When the faithful speak of morals, that ignorant feel is there

as well, even when speaking of an ideal you hold as well. When you

lie, as an Atheist, you feel bad for the person you lied to. When you

lie as a christian, it is a sin. This, right here is the ignorance I

am speaking of. There is no pity for those they lied to, but it's a

sin, so they did wrong.

When a young girl is impregnated due to a rape, and has an

abortion, a normal person feels sorry for her and what she has been

through. A christian feels nothing for the girl who just "killed her


So,... Why do I "push" Atheism? I do so because it is reality.

I do so because christianity, and it's sister religions are vile, and

their followers are ignorant fools, who in many cases are just as

vile. I hate religion because some little boy in Nebraska will be

taught that black people are evil, and given a cone shaped hat for his

eighteenth birthday. Religion sucks, and so do most of the religious.

Which do you think is the most dangerous religion?

If you had to choose one and only one religion to survive, which would you allow?